1 Take
2 Store and organize
3 Share and display
Learn moreYou have all these pictures, but you never get to see them?
Show your pictures the way you want anywhere or on fotosca's special picture frames. Show pictures from last year's holiday, whether you took the picture on your phone or camera. Or the wedding. Or how about just when the kids were little?
Organize, save, share, your photos with fotosca.
Do you have these problems? Pictures and videos taken on your phone are in one place or maybe a couple, pictures from your camera are in another place. Your family members take pictures and those are somewhere else.
All these pictures in different places, on different devices--your phone, laptop, computer or in the cloud. You ran out of space on your phone, so you had to put the pictures somewhere. But now what?
With fotosca, bring back the memories. Share with family and friends. Keep your photos and videos safe, secure, and backed up. Pictures from your phone, tablet, camera and even the ones in the box on the shelf in your closet--in one place.
This digital photography thing is great, but pictures stored on computers are often never seen. fotosca brings the memories back.
Camera. Smart phone. Prints. Slides.
Do not let your memories get lost in a digital or cardboard box!
Pictures stored without compression.
Not a pixel is left behind.
Immediate backup. We save it. And save it again.
Display and share anywhere. Show based on events or randomly.
Or give the grandparents one of our frames and you control the pictures they see.
There are many places where you can store your pictures from a memory stick in your pocket, your phone, in the cloud, or on your laptop.
© 2024 fotosca
Designed, hosted and powered by Heatherstone Group, LLC